Craig Wright Referred to UK Prosecutors for Consideration of Perjury Charges

2024-07-16 21:29:21 UTC |
Craig Wright heading to COPA trial on March 1  (Camomile Shumba/CoinDesk)

Craig Wright, who claimed to be Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto, was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to be considered for perjury charges by Judge James Mellor, who is presiding over a case brought by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance case.

COPA took Wright to court for a once-and-for-all ruling on whether he was the creator of Bitcoin. In March Mellor declared that Wright was not, and in a May judgment said Wright had lied extensively throughout the court case.

"In these circumstances, as set out in the whole of my Main COPA Judgment, I have no doubt that I should refer the relevant papers in this case to the CPS for consideration of whether a prosecution should be commenced against Dr Wright for his wholescale perjury and forgery of documents and/or whether a warrant for his arrest should be issued and/or whether his extradition should be sought from wherever he now is," Mellor wrote in the court document on Tuesday. "All those matters are to be decided by the CPS."

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

Edited by Sheldon Reback.

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